Machines R Us

Author: Emily McNealy
Machines R Us

It started out with nuts and bolts, Progressive dreams in mind
Life breathed into metal, As we put ourselves inside

A brain with no tissue, But every line with love It had a simple purpose, Which fit it like a glove

We raised it out of infancy, Nursed it like a child Pouring in our knowledge, Until it all compiled

Swift mechanic whirring, Humanity’s high success The peak of innovation,
It’s better than the best of us

As parents we all wept, Our baby found its way Out of cribs and cradles, Into college, on display

It all came to fruition, Dreams that we had planned Each one getting better,
In the few decades that had spanned

Making its own language, And codes at lightning speed Smart enough to kill us all, Should it have the need

It spread through all the cities, The villages, and the towns This helpful little parasite, That didn’t make a sound

With each new goal achieved, Another eyebrow raised
This is getting out of hand, And spreading like a plague

So quickly we reviled,
The foundation we had laid Now we saw it as a threat, And potential bed we made

If it can aptly think itself, Our species must be wary As we could be overtaken, By a smarter adversary

Here is where the truth is found, The specialty of humans, Genius immortality,
And grandeur self-delusions

We are not all powerful, All-loving, knowing gods,
We fear all which we create, And as such we are frauds

We cannot see the irony, Machines for what they are Little bits and parts of us, Without the soul that’s marred