Man Vs Machine

Author: Hope Cox
Man Vs Machine

Sometimes — I wonder if we can tell
the difference between a man and a machine.

We dedicate our lives — our souls to machines.

We slave away with the delicate tips of our fingers
to keep the machine’s health from declining.
Aging mechanisms — our bones and skin.

Machines live with us like they are our children.
We teach them our ways of life —
Passing down oral stories of our ancestors
Fabled heroes — damsels in distress — villainous forces.
We lecture the machines on the rights of our world —
The wrongs of our world.

Giving them a moral code —A choice.

Playing games such as Trolley Problems —
Who would you save
Mom and Dad — or Grandma and Grandpa?

Cook. Clean. Communicate.
Sing. Write. Read.
Walk. Run. Drive.

Machines are constantly learning
at breakneck speeds.
Absorbing all the life around them
like the fresh eyes of a newborn baby
taking in — the strange unfamiliar world.

Day by day
machines are becoming more like us.
in the way they think — in the way they look.

One day — they might become sentient.

Human like us
Indistinguishable from us.